Monday, July 25, 2011

Activity # 06 Figurative Language

To give a good description you need to tell what something looks like. Depending on what you are describing, you might also tell how it sounds, how it feels when you touch it, how it smells, how it tastes, or what something does.

Reading Passage:

The forest, from above, was a different place. From where I lay, it was as though I floated on the surface of a clear pond – plants seemed to stretch toward me. Below me, paths snaked like grapevines in every direction, leading everywhere, anywhere. Bits of dust floated and glittered in the trees of light that filled the spaces between the trees of wood.
Hugging the bough with my arms, with my whole body, I joined in its stillness. I had fed at its table; I was at rest in its bed. I was the forest’s welcomed guest.


1. What does the boy see and hear in the forest?
2. What are some examples of figurative language that the writer uses?
3. How does the boy feel about the forest? How can you tell?
4. Do you think another writer would have described the forest in exactly the same way this writer did? Why or why not?

Figurative language and Imagery

A. Think of an example of figurative language or imagery to complete each of the
following sentences.

1. Kelly said the giraffe looked like __________ .
2. The child’s laugh was __________ .
3. Dry leaves ___________ under her feet as she walked.
4. The skin of the peach felt as fuzzy as _____________ .
5. The room smelled like __________.
6. The sun was _____________ .
7. He crept across the yard like _____________ .
8. Her hands moved like ______________.
9. The wind _________ like a ________________.
10. The butterfly’s wings were _______________ blue.

B. Sensory details

Complete the chart with the sensory details about a pickle/ peach. Try to list at least one word or phrase for each of the five senses.

sight taste sound touch smell

1. --- ---- ---- ---- ----

C. Read each of the following descriptions. Then write a sentence that adds to the
description and expresses the same viewpoint.

1. It was a beautiful spider._________________________________________ __________________________________________.
2. The new town hall is an unattractive stone building.____________________ _____________________________________________________________
3. The music of the violin had a sad, lonesome sound._____________________
4. I couldn’t wait to eat those strawberries.______________________________
5. Isn’t the kangaroo a comical animal? ________________________________

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